Multiple brain and pulmonary abscesses due to Streptomyces spp. in a patient with silicosis

Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine 2018; 4 (3): e482

  Topic: Bacterial Infections     Category:


Invasive Streptomyces infections are rarely described in the scientific literature, thus we report a case of multiple brain and pulmonary abscesses in a silicosis affected young man successfully treated with intravenous antibiotic therapy.

To cite this article

Multiple brain and pulmonary abscesses due to Streptomyces spp. in a patient with silicosis

Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine 2018; 4 (3): e482

Publication History

Submission date: 18 Sep 2018

Revised on: 20 Sep 2018

Accepted on: 25 Sep 2018

Published online: 26 Sep 2018