Encephalitis associated with human herpesvirus-7 infection in an immunocompetent adult: a challenging case report
Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine 2019;
: e573
DOI: 10.32113/idtm_201912_573
Topic: Viral Infection
Category: Case report
Background: Primary Human herpesvirus-7 (HHV-7) infection usually occurs during childhood and mainly causes exanthema subitum (Roseola infantum), followed by a lifelong latent state with possible reactivation in case of immunodeficiency. Occasionally, consequences of HHV-7 infection are reported in immunocompetent adults. The natural history of the infection is poorly studied, and little is known about its pathogenic role in central nervous system (CNS) disease in non-immune suppressed adults. Encephalitis results in substantial morbidity and mortality worldwide. Although rare, encephalitis follows infection with relatively common agents. CSF pleocytosis is suggestive of an inflammatory process and identification of a microorganism generally confirms a clinical diagnosis of encephalitis.
Case presentation: We describe here a case of probable encephalitis associated to HHV-7 with seizures in an immunocompetent patient. Clinical presentation and evolution may contribute to a better understanding of HHV-7 related pathology.
Conclusions: This case may alert clinicians to consider this specific etiology in the differential diagnosis of encephalopathy in patients with suspected infectious encephalitis. HHV-7 may be a pathological factor, and this etiology could be underestimated.
Case presentation: We describe here a case of probable encephalitis associated to HHV-7 with seizures in an immunocompetent patient. Clinical presentation and evolution may contribute to a better understanding of HHV-7 related pathology.
Conclusions: This case may alert clinicians to consider this specific etiology in the differential diagnosis of encephalopathy in patients with suspected infectious encephalitis. HHV-7 may be a pathological factor, and this etiology could be underestimated.
To cite this article
Encephalitis associated with human herpesvirus-7 infection in an immunocompetent adult: a challenging case report
Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine 2019;
: e573
DOI: 10.32113/idtm_201912_573
Publication History
Submission date: 19 Nov 2019
Revised on: 05 Dec 2019
Accepted on: 16 Dec 2019
Published online: 16 Dec 2019

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